Thursday, April 28, 2016

Be a voice for animals in laboratories by using and sharing PETA's product testing stickers!

today's actionBe a voice for animals in laboratories by using and sharing PETA's product testing stickers!
Given the number of cruelty-free options out there, it's hard to believe that every year, hundreds of thousands of rabbits, rats, mice, guinea pigs, and other animals have chemicals smeared on their skin or in their eyes. They are poisoned and killed in archaic tests that attempt to evaluate the hazards of consumer products and their ingredients. It is now evident that tests on animals often do not predict outcomes in humans, and many non-animal test methods are available and continue to be developed.

During World Week for Animals in Laboratories, compassionate people around the world come together to devote their time and energy to stopping animal experimentation. As this week draws to a close, you can help animals by getting involved in one of PETA's lifesaving campaigns against experimenting on animals for household and beauty products.

For today's Daily Action, on behalf of animals in laboratories, let everyone know what really goes into every bottle of animal-tested dish soap, mascara, and laundry detergent by labeling the products yourself with our new stickers.



You Don't Need Meat to Be Big and Strong