Saturday, March 6, 2021

Monster Hunter / Palico Giant Cat Scenes/Review-oetry

Slight Spoilers Alert. Quick review for YOU! Popcorn flick. Acting is actually akin to pretentious A grade actor grifters who masquerade as god's gift. The performances are also above the best B grade grit, seemingly without trying too hard at all to have those acting muscles lift, up the show. No. What you see is what you get. No hidden political agenda dirty tricks. Unless TI gets a fate that isn't so great because the filmmakers wanted cinematic revenge on the famous rapper, turned hack political commentator, expert at being FOS? 

Lamestream reviews abound whining about poor character development. It doesn't deep dive for sure, but it gives enough details to let the viewer paint the rest of the picture and thus make room for the fun, visually jampacked, escapist thrillride that unfolds on the screen. I assume, unlike them, that this was intentional and not in spite of lackadaisical writing. Cinema made to take you away from the crummy real day and just have fun and play with the artistic medium is AOK and too often forgotten these days. 

Film making magic has the ability to whisk you away and your worries in tow, until they too fade, if only until the theater lights unfade. Low ratings and get woke go broke box office stats, prove hyper-partisan ulterior motives in TV and film are not wanted. Juxtapose this with COVID hysteria and you can be certain that the current zeitgeist demands such films now more than ever! Not being intellectually and politically deep has never been so chic. Rebels without a cause are now given pause, as the lack thereof is now a de facto cause, deeper than those it resists by just persisting to exist, in the midst of fake woke bullshit! It is prose, as opposed to to my poetic-ish rambling thoughts on this show, that at least subconsciously knows the larger show, must go on. But that noise? Fuck all that! All that matters is that, the film, has this awesome anthropomorphic flirty cat!