Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Sixth Sense of Pets

Coast To Coast AM - October 4, 2015 Alien Agenda in New Testament

In the first half, George Noory welcomed integrative veterinarian Dr. Carol Osborne, who is a pioneer in anti-aging medicine and longevity research for pets. She discussed "the sixth sense" of pets, which she believes is responsible for a lot of the paranormal and psychic activities they are able to detect. This sixth sense, she suggested, may allow pets to "perceive the electromagnetic fields and the barometric changes in the Earth's atmosphere," and explain why animals have an instinctive knowledge to move to higher ground when a tsunami is imminent.

Dogs have an incredible sense of smell that is 10,000 times greater than humans, and are currently being trained to detect diseases such as early stage cancer which gives off a slight scent. Regarding pets' abilities to find their way home after being gone for years, they might have a psychic connection with their owners, as well as iron oxide crystals in their brains that align with the Earth's poles, kind of like a magnet, she reported. Osborne also detailed cases where dogs and cats seem to be reacting to unseen entities or energies, as well as owner's reports of visitations from deceased pets, such as when they feel something swish by their leg, or nuzzle against them.